2018 Sonata oil light flashing while braking and making a turn

I had this same problem. Blew my engine about 2 weeks after I started noticing this problem. Dealer said it’s a common issue. Be prepared. Luckily it was under warranty and was fixed. Car was at around 60k miles. If your car ever loses power and only goes 10mph, take it straight to the dealership.

Same year, btw.

Either low on oil or the bearings are going out.

My 2016 did this when the oil was low because it was burning it. How many miles have you driven since your oil change? I would check your oil and look underneath for a leak anywhere.

Hyundai’s as well as KIA’s are known for high oil consumption issues. My son had the same issue with his Sonata throwing a low oil light when stopping and cornering. He was putting oil in it every few days.

If you are still within the 10 year / 100,000 mile warranty, take it to the dealer and have them do an oil consumption test. They will top the oil off, and then you will have to go back after a certain mileage so they can check it and calculate the oil consumption. Typically, this will require an engine replacement.

Is the oil low? My old Lexus would do this while braking if the oil was low.

Welcome to the slow (sometimes fast) death of your theta engine.